Wednesday, October 17, 2007

This weekend was fun with Jimmy and Carly visiting. L.E. couldn't wait to see Hal and they played very well together I think only one or two biting incidents this time. We decided, much to Jimmy's dismay that Thanksgiving point would be fun for the kids. They loved the petting zoo and fed the chikens and goats and put their fingers right in their own mouths.I went golfing with the boys, still not very good, and my fantasy team made out with 193 points, I think that may be an all time record:)
From time to time I find myself reflecting on life and if i'm spending time on meaniful parts of it, and this was one of those weeks. Some patients in one of the offices I work in lost their 3 yr old daughter at Lake Powell, another family lost the bishop of their ward,and my good friend a baby that only could be with her for a short 24 weeks. Funerals can be so emotionaly draining, such sorrow for the loss and such happiness to know there will be such a great reunion someday. I know that is so easy for me to say.... I don't understand why I am so blessed. I tucked L.E. in extra tight tonight and sang just a few more songs even though it was past her bedtime, hopefully I can remember to do that more often


Unknown said...

Looks like it was a fun weekend! We miss you guys!

katherine said...

i love reagan in the first photo, she is such a cute little girl! LE is such a great cousin to all these little girls! ps, i am already looking forward to gingerbread houses!

Amanda said...

Tell Jimmy he's got to take one for the team! Thanksgiving Point is LOADS of fun...pony rides, animals galore. Your girls are all so cute. I know what you mean about being so blessed. It's good to be thankful for what you have. LE is darling and growing up so much!

The Ackerman Family said...

Hi Mel...your blog is great! Keep it up! Here is my email: Send me your email and I will send you an invite to our blog.

Sara said...

What cute pics... I sure wish we could be there with you guys. Samantha love's loking at your blog. She walks up to the computor everyday and says, " L.E., picture." So keep posting- we love it!